


眞岩 宏司 教授






  • 電気熱量効果、弾性熱量効果を用いた新規冷却素子の開発
  • 焦電効果を利用した熱エネルギーハーベスト
  • 圧電効果を利用した振動エネルギーハーベスト
  • 強誘電体薄膜のMEMS応用
  • 圧電単結晶の高性能化と超音波デバイスへの応用




エネルギーをみんなに そしてクリーンに 産業と技術革新の基盤をつくろう 気候変動に具体的な対策を


  1. H. Maiwa, Y. Yamagata, Y. Xiang, H. Sun, H.-Y. Lee, Y. Yamashita, “AC poling of high Qm and low acoustic impedance Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 single crystals produced by solid-state crystal growth”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,. 63. 10SP01, (2024)
  2. Y. Xiang, M. Tanaka, X. Chen, Y. Sun, L. Ke, J. Guo, Y. J. Yamashita, H. Maiwa, “Temperature dependence of piezoelectric properties of the binary Pb (Mg1/3Nb2/3) O3-PbTiO3 single crystals prepared by continuous feeding Bridgeman method” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 63 10SP08, (2024).
  3. H. Maiwa, Y. Yamagata, Y. Xiang, H. Sun, H.-Y. Lee, Y. Yamashita, “Self-poling and DC poling of Mn doped Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-Pb(ZrTi)O3 single crystals grown by a solid state crystal growth process”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,. 63 04SP50 (2024).
  4. 眞岩 宏司, 向 宇,山下 洋八, Lee Ho-Yong, 「リラクサ系圧電単結晶材料の最新の研究動向, 固相結晶成長法(SSCG)による圧電単結晶の特性」日本結晶成長学会誌. 51, (2024) 51-1-06.
  5. Y. Yamashita, I. Kurita, M. Tanaka, Y.Xiang, H. Maiwa, L-C. Lim, Z.Xu, S. Liu, X. Jiang, “Enhanced piezoelectrical properties of Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 - PbTiO3 single crystals by AC poling”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,., 63, 08SP08 (2024).
  6. Y. Yamashita, Y. Yamagata, Y. Xiang, H. Maiwa, Z.Xu, X. Jiang, “Comparison of field-cooling DC poling and AC poling for lead perovskite relaxor-PbTiO3 single crystals grown by a continuous feeding Bridgman process”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,. 63 04SP37 (2024).
  7. 眞岩宏司「Ni-Ti合金の弾性熱量効果を用いた冷却素子」「電気熱量効果の固体冷却素子への応用」香川澄、他「革新的冷却技術」NTS ISBN 978-4-86043-854-8, (2024).
  8. Y. J. Yamashita, H. Sun, Y. Xiang, H. Maiwa, H-Y. Lee, H-P. Kim, X. Jiang, “Enhanced electrical properties by AC poling of relaxor-Pb (Zr, Ti) O3 single crystals manufactured by the solid state crystal growth method.” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 62 SM1009 (2023).
  9. Y. Xiang, Y. Sun, Y-J. Yamashita, T. Karaki, H. Maiwa, “Microstructure observation of Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 single crystals by scanning electron microscopy”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,. 62, SM1029 (2023).
  10. Y. Xiang, Y. Sun, Y-J. Yamashita, T. Karaki, H. Maiwa, “Macro-and microstructure of lead perovskite ternary piezoelectric single crystals after direct current and alternating current poling” Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 131(7), 263-269 (2023).
  11. H. Maiwa, A. Sakurai, K. Zhao, Y. Liu, “Effects of MnO addition on structure and electrical properties of lead-free antiferroelectric 0.96NaNbO3–0.04CaZrO3 ceramics” Ferroelectrics, 602 (1), pp. 33-45. (2023)
  12. H. Maiwa. “Direct measurement of temperature change due to elastocaloric effect in poled piezoelectric ceramics attached to metal” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 60, art. no. SFFC06, (2021).
  13. H. Maiwa, “Electrocaloric and electromechanical properties of (Pb,La)(Zr,Ti)O3 ceramics” Ferroelectrics, 556 (1), pp. 51-61. (2020).
  14. H. Maiwa, “Temperature dependence of electromechanical and electrocaloric properties of PLZT ceramics” Ferroelectrics, 539 (1) pp. 71-78 (2019).
  15. H. Maiwa,“Energy harvesting using pyroelectric materials by thermal energy” in “Nanoscale Ferroelectric-Multiferroic Materials for Energy Harvesting Applications”, Editors: Hideo Kimura, Zhenxiang, Cheng Tingting Jia, Elsevier Science Publishing Co. Inc., ISBN: 9780128144992, (2019).
  16. 眞岩宏司、「圧電セラミックスの標準化」セラミックス、54(6)pp. 409-412. (2019).
  17. H. Maiwa, “Electrocaloric Properties of Potassium Tantalate Niobate Crystals” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 56(10), art. no. 10PC05 (2017).
  18. H. Maiwa, “Electrocaloric Properties of Potassium Tantalate Niobate Crystals” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,55(10), art. no. 10TB09 (2016).
  19. H. Maiwa, “Dielectric and Electromechanical Properties of (K,Na)NbO3 Ceramics Prepared by Hot Isostatic Pressing” Ferroelectrrics, 491 (1), 71-78. (2016).
  20. H. Maiwa, “Characterization of Electrocaloric Properties by Indirect Estimation and Direct Measurement of Temperature–Electric Field Hysteresis Loops” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 54(10), art. no. 10NB08 (2015).
  21. H. Maiwa, T. Jia, and H. Kimura, “Energy Harvesting using PLZT and Lead-free Ceramics and their Piezoelectric Properties on the Nano-scale” Ferroelectrics, 475(1), pp. 71-81. (2015)
  22. 眞岩宏司、「電気熱量効果の固体冷却素子への応用」超音波テクノ, 27(4), pp.33-39. (2015)
  23. I. Coondoo, N. Panwar, H. Maiwa, A. Kholkin, “Improved piezoelectric and energy harvesting characteristics in lead-free Fe2O3 modified KNN ceramics”. J. Electroceramics, 34(1), pp.255-261.(2015)
  24. H. Maiwa, “Dielectric and electromechanical properties of BaTiO3 ceramics prepared by hot isostatic pressing” Ferroelectrics, 463(1), pp. 15-24. (2014)

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